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Portrait of a family consisting of one f

EquipNet is here to help you engage and walk with a family who has suffered loss and do that in a sustained way as you help them move through the Relief and Recovery process.
We are a Twenty-Four-Year-Old 501c3 Public Religious Charity and as such all of your donations are tax deductible. Because our guiding goal is to see as much of every dollar make it to the family’s  recovery process, EquipNet has kept its administrative costs low and our 5% flat fee for processing your Relief & Recovery Giving is one the lowest in the Non-Profit tax deductible giving world.

You may choose to Give simply and securely via Credit Card, Debit Card or better yet via ACH Bank Transfer or even gifts of appreciated stock. Simply visit the Giving Page for the desired Family or Relief and Recovery Project and follow the simple steps to set up a One-time or recurring donation. You can even choose the day of the month you want your account debited and make changes to your donation once it is set up by just coming back to the Family Giving page and clicking the “Update MY Existing Donation Button”. We put all the ability in your hands as the donor to Start, Alter and Stop any donation, at any time right form the Giving Page online.

If you are a Donor Advised Fund and need our Tax ID or IRS Determination Letter you can find it and download it in the FAQ Section of the Website.

Thank you for your Generosity in advance and for standing with those who have suffered loss and for walking with them in a sustained way as they find their way through the relief and rebuilding process! May God bless you for your faithful stewardship!

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